Publisher is the useful and powerful WordPress Newspaper , Magazine and Blog theme with great attention to details, incredible features...

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Remover banner do

Enable/Disable AdMob Banner (optional)
If you want to use Admob, you must create your account and your banner on admob website:
Create your banner and put the banner_id on strings.xml -> banner_ad_unit_id example ca-app-pub-XXXXXXXX/XXXXXX
How to disable AdMob banner If you want remove AdMob, follow these steps: 1. Edit res -> layout -> content_main.xml 2. Remove block “” 3. Edit MainActivity and delete these lines:

Observação importante,  no arquivo deve eliminar também apenas a linha, depois de ter feito os 2 procedimentos acima, esse banner é o que fica no rodapé. do celular

// Load ads into Interstitial Ads